NMRPredict Client Integration.

This page was last updated on 30 Sep 2009

This page will help you build a client to connect to NMRServer.

Getting Started.


  1. The example client connects to NMRServer,
  2. logs in,
  3. sends a MOL file for 13C and 1H predictions,
  4. waits for the prediction to complete,
  5. gets the 13C and proton summary results,
  6. gets the 1H spectra for a conformer.
  7. logs out
  8. disconnects
Two 13C and two 1H methods are used and the 'best' shift value automatically selected/calculated. You may want to just retrieve the 'best' shift values or all shift values.

Command Line.

The example client is a command line application.
Usage: nmrccssfn -s server -m [-o ] [-p port]
The standard port for NMRServer is 9300. Here are the major steps.
  1. Files supplied.
    nmrccssfn.cpp - the example application
    nmrsoapfn.cpp - the servr functions used by the application.
    nmrsoapfn.h - the servr functions used by the application.
    nmrsoapif.h - the gSOAP interface file.
    makefile - a linux makefile.
  2. Set up the soap structure.
    	soap_init2(&g_soap, SOAP_IO_KEEPALIVE, SOAP_IO_KEEPALIVE);
    We nned to server to stay alive until the disconnect call.
  3. Get the command line arguments.
    Usual stuff.
    	for (int p = 2; p < argc; p=p+2){
    		if (strcmp(argv[p-1], "-p") == 0){
    			poption = atoi(argv[p]);
    		else if (strcmp(argv[p-1], "-s") == 0){
    			server = argv[p];
    		more lines
  4. Set up the parameters.
    	// Remember this stuff between calls
    	int xnucleus = NUCLEUSC13;	// 1 = C13, 2 = O17, 3=N15, 4=F19, 5=P31, 6=B11 7=Si29
    	int proton =  HBITINC; 		// HBITCONF = conformer, HBITINC2 = increment3d, HBITINC = Increment 2d
    	int nconf = 0;			// remember the number of conformers for the call to get the conformer spectrum.
    	int h1solvent = eCDCl3;		// see protoninfo.h
    	int iconf = 0;			
    There are two proton methods. The usual combinations of options are: just 2d Inc or 2d and 3d Inc and Conformer, ie
    int proton = HBITINC // = Increment 2d
    int proton = HBITINC + HBITINC2 + HBITCONF; // 2d, 3d Inc and Conformer.
    The 2d method is much quicker but not as accurate. The 3d method also calculates the 'best' value.
  5. Make a call to each function.
    These function calls encapsuate the complexities of the server. The only parameters you are likely to need are define by these funtions.
    	// Connect to the server and login. 
    	// The login function sets up the server address and port. 
    	// The server might be a url: www.nmrpreidction.com
    	// A servername define locally by a .hosts file
    	// or an IP address:
    	int istatus = nmrsoapfn_connect(server.c_str(), poption, xnucleus);
    	istatus = nmrsoapfn_login();
    	// Repeat these indented functions to predict a number of MOl file.
    		// read a mol file, one line per element.
    		struct ns__schararray armol;
    		nmrsoapfn_readMolFile(molefile.c_str(), armol);
    		// Set up the prediction parameters.
    		struct ns__sparam params;
    		// You can predict one x nucleus and proton in a single call.
    		istatus = nmrsoapfn_setpreditionparams(params, xnucleus, proton, h1solvent);
    		istatus = nmrsoapfn_predict(molfile.c_str(), params, armol);
    		// Get the results.
    		// To get the spectrum need to set the option here.
    		proton =  HBITINC + HBITINC2 + HBITCONF;
    		istatus = nmrsoapfn_results_full(op, nconf, xnucleus, proton);
    		iconf = 0; // get the 3d mol file for a particular conformer.
    		istatus = nmrsoapfn_3dmolfile(op, iconf);
    		iconf = nconf; // get the averaged conformer spectrum for the conformer method
    		// The spectrum for a particular conformer would be 0 to n-1.
    		istatus = nmrsoapfn_conformerspectrum(op, iconf);
    		iconf = nconf + 100; // get the averaged conformer spectrum for the increment method.
    		// The spectrum for a particular conformer would be 100 to 100 + n-1.
    		istatus = nmrsoapfn_conformerspectrum(op, iconf);
    	// These steps 'nmrsoapfn_predict' to 'nmrsoapfn_conformerspectrum' may repeated.
    	// logout and disconnect.
    	istatus = nmrsoapfn_logout();
    	istatus = nmrsoapfn_disconnect();
  6. Application styles.
    Using the above application it would be very easy to write applications in a number of styles
    • A command line application called from a main app. The MOL file and other parameters could be passed n the command line, then the results file read.
    • A library function. The 'main' function could be re-written as a function call, passing the MOl filename or content as a paramters and returning the results in a structure.
    • A cgi type application, which returned the results in a web page.
    • A web service.
If you would like any further help with any of the above, do not hesitate to contact me.
